Kamis, 19 Maret 2020

The analysis of the 3 principles of language assessment (practicality, reliability, and validity)

This is a 7th grade final exam questions.

1. Teacher : Good morning everybody. Is anybody absent today
Students : …. Miss. Nobody is absent, Miss.
a. Good evening.
b. Good night.
c. Good afternoon
d.  Good morning
2. Hanna : …. Rani?
Rani : I go to SMP Nusa Bangsa.
a. How do you go to school
b. How did you go to school
c.Where do you go to school
d. Where did you go to school
3. Deni : Hi, My name is Deni . What is your name?
Omi : Hi, I’m Omi. Are you … ?
Deni : Yes. I just moved from Bandar Lampung. I’m in I B, and you?
Omi : Me too.
a. new teacher
b. a teacher
c. new student
d. a librarian

4. Ronal : Cindy, this is my sister Nita. Anita this is Cindy.
Cindy : How do you do?
Nita : How do you do?
What does Ronal do?
a. He introduces himself.
b. He introduces his sister.
c. He greets Nita
d. He meets Cindy.
5. bedroom – clean – the – keep
1                 2           3           4
a. 4-3-2-1
b. 4-1-3-2
c. 4-3-1-2
d. 4-2-3-1
6 . Ninda : Hello farida, I heard that you‟ve won the beauty contest.
Farida : That‟s right.
Ninda : “ ………………………….”
Farida : Thank you very much.
a. You‟re very lucky
b. I‟m surprised on your success
c. May you congratulate me
d. Congratulation on your success

7. SMP Patriot is quite big. It has many rooms. It also has a big yard with a flaq pole in the middle. The school is very green . The teachers and students plant many trees there.
Where is the flag pole?
a. In the middle of the yard.
b. In the middle of school building.
c. In the middle of SMP Patriot.
d. In the middle of the trees.
Text for questions no 8-10
This is my school, SMPN 1 Pasir Sakti. It is on Hasyim Asy’ari street. It is  far from my house. It has twenty one classrooms. Every classroom consist of thirty one students. There are a library, a laboratory, a computer room, a mosque, four toilets, and a meeting hall. My favourite place is a library. I like reading fairy stories, ensiclopedia books, and computer books.
8. What is on Hasyim Asya‟ari street? A
a. My school
b. SMPN SMPN 1 Pasir Sakti
c. The writer‟s house
d. My house
9. Where does the writer always read his favourite books?
a. The classroom
b. The laboratory
c. The library
d. The computer room
10. How many students are every classroom?

a. Twenty one
b. Thirty one
c. Twenty two
d. Thirty two
This is the analysis from test paper :

a)      Practicality
Final exam questions in every city has difference. The difference was due to regional autonomy in the filed education, so in making the final semester exam questions become different. Making questions also cannot be separated from core competencies, basic competencies, as well as aspects in the 2013 curriculum and competency standards and basic competencies at the education unit level curriculum.

b)      Reliability
this final test is a bit reliable, because every students  has the same question paper. But all the questions and the texts are clear and only have on correct answer in them, students are also given time in answering questions and final exam assessments are also consistent in the result of student answers.

c)      Validity
This final exam question is valid, because there are several reasons such as ; all questions and text in it using English, to answers the whole question requires the expertise of students in reading the point targeted in the question, and rearranging random sentence. Everything contained in the questions is very similar with what was learned before.  

soal UAS (ujian akhir semester) ganjil bahasa inggris kelas 7. Retrived from

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