Selasa, 18 Februari 2020

Definition of test, measurament, assessment, and evaluation according to the expert

In teaching and learning certainly cannot be separated from 4 terms, namely test, measurement, assessment, and evaluation. 
These four things have differences and are very important roles. For teachers and lecturers working in the world of education, that term is very important to understand because it is a place to measure students’ abilities.  These are some definitions according to experts:


1.  Nurkencaya (1993), The test is a way to make an assessment in the form of a task that must be done by a child or group of children so as to produce a value about the child's behavior or achievement which can then be compared with the value achieved by other children or the standards set. (tes adalah suatu cara untuk mengadakan penilaian yang berbentuk suatu tugas yang harus dikerjakaan anak atau sekelompok anak sehingga menghasilkan suatu nilai tentang tingkah laku atau prestasi anak tersebut yang kemudian dapat dibandingkan dengan nilai yang dicapai oleh anak anak lain atau standar yang telah ditetapkan.)
2.  Terry (2008) test is a method to determine a student’s ability to complete certain choice tests or a weekly spelling test. While it commonly used interchangeably with assessment, or even evaluation, it can be distinguished by the fact that test is one from of an assessment.
2. Measurement
1.     Ign. Masidjo (1995:14) Measurement is an activity to determine the quantity of an object through certain rules so that the quantity obtained really represents the nature of the object in question. (pengukuran adalah suatu kegiatan menentukan kuantitas suatu objek melalui aturan aturan tertentu sehingga kuantitas yang diperoleh benar benar mewakili sifat dari suatu objek yang dimaksud.)
2.  Purwati (2008:4) Measurement can be interpreted as an activity or an effort made to give a number to a symptom or event, or object, so that the measurement results will always be in the form of numbers. (pengukuran dapat diartikan sebagai kegiatan atau upaya yang dilakukan untuk memberikan angka angka pada suaatu gejala atau peristiwa, atau benda, sehingga hasil pengukuran akan selalu berupa angka.)
1.     Zainul, Asmawi dan Noehi Nasution (2001) interpret assessment is a process for making decisions using information obtained through the measurement of learning outcomes using both tests and non-tests. Measurement activities carried out by comparing learning outcomes with a certain size. (mengartikan penilaiaan adalah suatu proses untuk mengambil keputusan dengan menggunakan informasi yang diperoleh melalui pengukuran hasil belajar baik dengan menggunakan tes maupun non tes. Kegiatan pengukuran dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil belajar dengan suatu ukuran tertentu.)
2.     Cangelosi (1995:21) assessment is a decision about value. Therefore, the next step after carrying out the measurement is assessment. Assessment is done after students answer the questions contained on the test. The results of these answers are interpreted in the form of grades. (penilaiaan adalah keputusan tentang nilai. Oleh karena itu, langkah selanjutnya setelah melaksanakan pengukuran adalah penilaiaan. Penilaiaan dilakukan setelah siswa menjawab soal soal yang terdapat pada tes. Hasil jawaban tersebut ditafsirkan dalam bentuk nilai.)
1.     Sudiono, Anas (2005) stated that literally the word evaluation comes from English evaluation, in Indonesian means assessment. The root word is value which means value, so the term evaluation refers to an action or a process to determine the value of something. (mengemukakan bahwa secara harfiah kata evaluasi berasal dari bahasa inggris evaluation, dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti penilaian. Akar katanya adalah value yang artinya nilai, jadi istilah evaluasi menunjuk pada suatu tindakan atau suatu proses untuk menentukan nilai dari sesuatu.)
2.     Frey, Barbara A, and Susan W. Alman (2003) evaluation the systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to determine the extent to wich pupils are achieving instructional objectives. 
·   Formal assessment are the systematic,  pre-planned data based tests that measure what and how well the student have learned. Formal assessment determine the student’s proficiency or mastery of the content, and can be used for comparison against certain standards.

Informal assessment are those spontaneous forms of assessment that can easily be incorporated in the day to day classroom activities and that measure the students’ performance and progress. Informal assessment are content and performance driven.

Formative assessment is more diagnostic that evaluative. It is used to monitor pupil learning style and ability, to provide ongoing feedback and allow educators to improve and adjust their teaching methods and for students to improve their learning.

Summative assessment aims to evaluate student learning and academic achievement at the end of a term, year or semester by comparing it against a universal standard or school benchmark. Summative assessments often have high point value, take place under controlled conditions, and therefore have more visibility.

references : 
perbedaan antara test, assessment, dan evaluation di language testing. retrieved from  


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